Please read all the information below before submitting the enrolment form.

Fees are payable by direct debit on 1st of every month through GoCardless. We can no longer accept cash payments.

There are no reductions or refunds given for missed lessons.

The monthly direct debit amount is worked out on the basis that your child is eligible to attend 40 general classes throughout the year on Friday evenings  (taking into account weeks where there will be no attendance due to school holidays).

For clarity, the flat rate fee continues to be paid during periods when Dancetec has broken up for holidays.

Some pupils have additional private lessons, with a different flat rate fee per month.

We ask for your agreement to your child being professionally photographed or filmed at any Dancetec stage production for the purposes of producing a DVD for sale/distribution to Dancetec pupils and families when appropriate.

However, you cannot take photographs or film any other child without the child’s parents or guardian’s permission.

Photographs must not be shared on social media without prior consent of the child’s parent or guardian.

Tricia and Alyx are fully qualified members of the International Dance Teachers Association and we are covered by Public Liability Insurance.  We take every precaution to keep your child safe whilst participating in classes.  However, we require each participant’s parent/guardian to agree to a waiver and be fully aware of the risks involved with a physical activity such as dance.

By agreeing to the terms and conditions below you waive and release any and all claims whether personal injury, property damage, damages and/or losses that may arise from your child’s participation in classes at Dancetec.

Any failure to comply with any regulations set out by staff of Dancetec will result in the immediate removal of the participant from the class.

By enrolling,  you agree that your child must abide by all safety instructions and recommendations given by the teaching staff at Dancetec.  If you have any specific queries in relation to any issues arising, then please contact Tricia or Alyx direct to discuss.

For information exchange we have a closed group Facebook page.  To keep fully up to date , please arrange to join the group if you have not already done so by sending a friend request to “Parents and friends of Dancetec Leeds”.  Once admitted you will be able to share information with the other members and ask generic questions.  If these are specific queries about your child or of a more personal nature then please send a private message to Tricia on 07940 542 823 or email

We collect the minimum amount of data required for our purposes.   This personal data is not shared with other organisations.  However, if your child enters IDTA examinations or competitions it is a requirement that we provide your child’s name, date of birth (and any medical conditions).

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